10/15: Finish Experimental Practice - How high will the ball bounce lab worksheets from today if didn't in class - due tomorrow, 10/16
Test will be on Thursday, 10/17
10/10: Measurement packet (except last page front and back) should be completed - due next class on Tuesday, 10/15 (no class tomorrow with half-day Friday schedule)
10/9: Should be reviewing Scientific Method PowerPoint notes - will have next test on Thursday, 10/17, on these as well as more graphing and adding measurements to it
10/8: Finish independent and dependent variables worksheet from class - due tomorrow, 10/9 - you do not have to rewrite each one, just use one color for the IV and one for the DV
10/2: If didn't finish graphing packet yesterday - it is due tomorrow, 10/3 - most people had it finished today and do not have homework
10/1: Practice Graphing & Analyzing Data II should have been finished yesterday, 9/30, in class (or quickly today during class) - many began the Assessment: Graphing & Analyzing Data yesterday and finished it today in class - please be sure the Practice II section is complete and AT MINIMUM the Assessment graphing section is complete tomorrow (many are ahead of this who were being productive during both classes)
9/30: Reminder - Science Fair Proposal Form due tomorrow, 10/1
9/26: Finish Practice Graphing & Analyzing Data I from class yesterday, 9/25 - due on Monday, 9/30 - majority was finished during class - should only have a few problems left to do on the third page.
Science Fair Proposal Form is due on Tuesday, October 1st - you may use sciencebuddies.org or other resources as a guide, but DO NOT copy these projects or I will not approve yours. You need to have your own twist on it. You also will not be approved if you do not have all the details, such as brand names and amounts for your materials (or a parent signature!). This is showing me your whole experiment's setup before I can approve of it.
9/25: See below
9/24: Science Fair Timelines were passed out - one for you to keep and one to be signed and returned to me on Thursday, 9/26. Science Fair Proposal Form was passed out - this is due on Tuesday, October 1st.
Reminder - Test on Thursday, 9/26
9/23: Study Scientific Method quiz material, study guides on "How to Design an Experiment" and "A Controlled Experiment" and graphing notes for Test on Thursday, 9/26 (mentioned multiple days last week) since no class on Friday, 9/27
Brainstorm for Science Fair - will receive timeline and proposal form tomorrow
9/20: Finish Learning to Graph and Analyze Data II worksheets - did majority in class together - due on Monday, 9/23
Brainstorm ideas for Science Fair
9/19: Finish Learning to Graph and Analyze Data I worksheet if didn't in class today - due tomorrow, 9/20. All answers were gone over in class, but we ran out of time to write the last couple of answers down, and these should be written/completed for homework.
Brainstorm ideas for Science Fair
9/17: Read over Diocesan Science Fair Categories paper from class to start brainstorming project ideas you're interested in doing
9/11: Study Process Skills and Scientific Method notes and any related activities for Quiz on Monday, 9/16 (no class on Friday, 9/13, with Mass and half day schedule)
9/10: Finish test tubes activity from class if didn't already turn in today (majority finished). Study Process Skills and Scientific Method notes for Quiz on Friday, 9/13 (moved to Monday, 9/16, since no class with Mass and half day schedule)
9/5: Finish Processing with M&Ms activity if you didn't in class today (majority finished) - due on Monday, 9/9.
Continue reviewing Scientific Method notes - we will have a quiz either Thursday or Friday next week.
9/4: See below - 7R needs to finish the Smiling Big Recording Worksheet from class today (should only have to find the mean of data in inches and in centimeters)
9/3: Review Scientific Method notes from class today
8/28: Finish All About Me flask from class today - due tomorrow, 8/29
8/27: Have Safety Contract signed and return it to me on or before Friday, 8/30