Help welcome the new families into our SJS community!
Serve as a Welcome Saints Family Ambassador for the 2020-21 school year.
Consider extending a warm SJS welcome to the newest families joining our community in the 2020-21 school year. This important aspect of the on-boarding process relies on current SJS families to serve as Family Ambassadors, and show the new families "the ropes". By focusing on creating a welcoming atmosphere, we can make sure our school is one where new families feel comfortable and want to be involved.
Serving as a Welcome Saints Family Ambassador is simple: reach out with an introductory email or phone call, and be willing to anticipate and answer those questions we all had as new families. The time involved is minimal, but the impact is immense.
Who should participate?
Whether this is your first year at SJS or you are a veteran Saints family, consider being a Welcome Saints Family Ambassador. You do not need to know all the answers to their questions; just sharing your own positive experiences, tips, and tricks can make all the difference to a new family.
How are families paired?
Each Welcome Saints Family Ambassador will be paired up with a new family in the coming weeks. When circumstances allow, we will pair families in the same grade, with the same gender child. It's also a fun way to also get your child(ren) involved in welcoming a new Saint!
What are the responsibilities?
Welcome Saints Family Ambassadors play an important role in facilitating the on-boarding of our newest families to St. Joseph Catholic School. These families serve as a liaison in effective communication, social acclimation (for student(s) and family), and a support resource to answer questions and provide additional information.
Interested in participating or have questions?
Email JoEllen Mountcastle ( [email protected]) with your contact information, including your child(ren)’s grade(s) for the 2020-21 school year.