Welcome to Saint Joseph Catholic School's Junior High (Grades 7 & 8). Junior High is an exciting time for students with many extended learning opportunities both in core subject areas and special classes (Spanish, Physical Education, Art and Computer Technology). We also provide a rich opportunity to enhance student learning through our Electives Program.
Saint Joseph Catholic School students enjoy a traditional middle school experience which includes changing classes and using lockers, while benefiting from our smaller setting and faith-focused environment. Opportunities to develop leadership skills in Student Council and National Junior Honor Society and serve as role models for our younger students are plentiful within our K – 8th grade school setting. St. Joseph Catholic School's Junior High students are paired up with younger students through “buddy program,” benefiting both our younger and older students. Our 8th graders buddy with our 2nd grade students as both grades celebrate important sacraments. Additionally, our 7th graders buddy with our 1st grade students.
Annual Science Fair:
In early February, Saint Joseph Catholic School Junior High students participate in our annual science fair, investigating topics involving physics, behavioral science, botany, medicine/health, biochemistry, chemistry, environmental science, engineering, microbiology, biology, earth and space. Students conduct extensive research and provide both a written and oral review of their selected topic. Winning entries from our science fair advance to compete in the Arlington Diocesan Science Fair. Students also participate in an annual spelling bee and geography bee.
Meet Our Junior High Teaching Team:
Mrs. Heidi Keusenkothen, B.A.
8th Grade White - Religion 8, Social Studies 7 / 8