What is one thing you remember from your first day at SJS? I remember seeing all of my friends. I was nervous and excited at the same time. It was great to meet new students!
What is your favorite weekly special class, and why? PE is my favorite because you can be active and take your mind off of schoolwork.
What is your favorite SJS tradition? My favorite tradition is Spirit Week because I love to see the whole school get excited and participate.
What is your favorite subject? My favorite subject is science because I like to do experiments
What do you love most about being a Saint? What I love most about being a Saint is I feel safe and confident. I like learning about my religion.
What is something people may not already know about you? I have completed three triathalons and two IronKids races. I'm also addicted to shopping!
What is your favorite after school snack? Cotton candy grapes
What is your "breakfast of champions?" Scrambled eggs with cream cheese
What do you like to do for fun (once your homework is done)? I like to cheer, shop, and hang out with my friends
What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be an orthodontist, singer, or a fashion designer
If you could have a superpower what would it be? Invisibility and laser vision
What is your favorite color? Pink
What is your favorite season? Summer
What are your favorite sports teams? My favorite sport is cheerleading and my favorite team is the Washington Nationals.
What is your favorite vegetable? Brussel sprouts like Mrs. Distefano makes.