As the Principal for the day which aspect of Mrs. Conroy's job, as Principal, do you think is most CHALLENGING? Paying the bills!
As the Principal for a day, which aspect of Mrs. Conroy's job as Principal do you think is most FUN? Visiting the classrooms!What is one thing you remember from your very first day at SJS? I remember standing in line with my class out on the blacktop with the entire school!
What is your favorite weekly special class, and why? P.E. because I like playing sports!
Who is your favorite teacher? My favorite teacher is
Mrs. Mann because she is nice!
What is your favorite SJS tradition? The tradition that I like best is the Eighth Grade Play!
What do you love most about being a Saint? My friends
What is something people may not already know about you? I have four sisters, and my favorite flavor of ice cream is mint chocolate chip
What is your favorite subject in school? Math
What is your favorite after school snack? Goldfish
What is your "breakfast of champions?" Rice Chex cereal
What is the most challenging aspect of school for you? Getting up in the morning!
What do you like to do for fun (once your homework is done)? Play basketball
What do you want to be when you grow up? An Engineer
If you could have a superpower what would it be? Super strength
What is your favorite color? Blue
What is your favorite book? Diary of a Wimpy Kid
What is your favorite season? Fall
What is your favorite sports team? Harlem Globetrotters